Monday, August 3, 2015

BKS Iyengar's Words of wisdom on "Light of Life"

  • The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.
  • Pranayana teaches humility and frees us from greed or hankering* after the fruits of action.
  • Samadhi is final freedom from the wheel of karma, of cause and effect, action and reaction.
  • Rigidity is insensitivity.
  • Sometimes happiness may bring stagnation, but if freedom comes from disciplined happiness, there is possibility of true liberation.
  • Action is movement with intelligence.
  • Patanjali second sutra:" Perfection is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being with is reached."
  • When stability becomes a habit, maturity and clarity follows. Stability requires balance.
  • “If you are happy, pleasant and unselfish in your behavior towards others, obstacles will shrink. If you are miserly with your emotions and judgmental in your mind, obstacles will grow.”…Patanjali
  • Conscientious (citta) has 3 functions: The first is cognition, which is perceiving, knowing and recognizing. The second is volition or will which is the impulse to initiate action. The third is motion which expresses the fire nature of mind, ever transforming itself and leaping up in different places and guises.
  • Correct knowledge is based on 3 kinds of proof: direct perception, correct deduction and testimony from authoritative sacred scriptures or wise experienced people.
  • Surrender to God is possible only for one who has perhaps by circumstances or adversity or humiliation, discarded ego.
* a strong desire to have or do something.

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