Monday, August 3, 2015

APJ's Words of Wisdom

Jul 29 2015 : The Economic Times (Bangalore)
Become the Unique You

Life is a journey that must be travelled, no matter how bad the roads are. But there are some unique people who have learnt to navigate life in the best way possible.

There are four proven steps I've studied about unique people:
the first step is to decide which road you want to take by having a great aim in life.
The second step is to acquire knowledge through great books, great people and great teachers.
The third is hard work. When everybody is sleeping, there are lights burning in some people's places. The fourth step is that when you do any work, whether spiritual, technical or political work, there will always be some problems.

With perseverance, overcome all your problems. So, if you wish to become unique, you need to have four qualities: great aim, continuously acquiring knowledge, hard work and perseverance.

As a 10-year-old boy in Rameshwaram, every evening after school, I would deliver newspapers from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and then go home. Often, on Fridays, I would find my father, who was Imam of the local mosque, his friend Lakshmana Shastrigal, the head priest of Rameshwaram Shiva temple, and Rev Father Bodal, who built the first church in Rameshwaram, in discussion. They dressed differently , followed different faiths and so on, yet they would discuss the famine on the island, the need to generate work and how to improve healthcare and education. From them, I learnt the important and beautiful lesson of how to work together for common good.

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