Bab says:
Some relationships never demand personal presence.
It’s the confidence in the relationship which assures that when needed the
person will always be with you.
Pad says:
The term relationship is very complex. You want it
but sometimes you do not want it. You create it or you are destined in a
particular relationship. Relationship is very dynamic. Relationships create
memories. Relationships are best if created through personal interactions and
not through social media. One to one relationship will only stand the test of
time. Once a relationship is created it needs to be glued well by the persons
concerned then personal presence becomes insignificant. If relationship has to
instill confidence it should create a sense of togetherness and involvement in
speech and action. Building relationships requires you to spend lots of time
and space, but time is money and space is a constraint. In this ‘priority age’
people are wise and they choose their priorities and decide whether to sustain
particular relationships. Once upon a time people were not so priority centric
so relationships bloomed and was cherished. Relationship is a two way process.
As long as the need, aspirations, and thoughts synchronize relationships
sustain. The moment priorities, need, aspirations and thoughts starts drifting
relationships falls apart and distance becomes wider.
Believing that relationships will ensure the person
to be with you during your crisis is a myth. If it happens it is a great
blessing. When Abhimanyu was killed Arjuna was not with him—fate took him far
away from the battle field; it was Abhimanyu’s time to die. If Arjuna was near
Abhimanyu fate cannot play its role. Likewise when Sita was abducted, Rama was
not there Fate ensured that Lord Rama moves away from the scene so that the
Epic can be created. Both these are the most intimate relationships yet the
person concerned could not stand by them. These days’ relationships are
maintained to share information and participations are restricted to priority
people. The new name for all relationships is ‘Networking’. A net is woven with
space in between. Similarly relationships these days demand space and privacy;
can be sustained only if you are their priority. Once upon a time professional
and personal relationships were different, today all relationships have become
professional. “Relationships are based on “win/lose” and ‘attack/defend’. Egos
are involved and affect the outcome.”(Edward de Bono) Perceptions, assumptions
and misunderstandings destroy even long standing relationship. Long lasting
relationships are a distant dream these days; it vanishes when the need from
you diminishes.
Relationships blooms with love, affection and
compassion; it can sustain if based on strong understanding, open
communications, mutual involvement, and on a one to one basis. “No matter how
well read or educated we become, we still need to realize the importance of
family and how no amount of money can match the wealth of strong
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