Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"Stop Being so Positive"

I wrote an article “Think positive dear” ….”Oh Mam notagain.” a few days back and posted it on 23rd August 2014 in this blog/timeline.

I had written this article based on intense reading, analysis and experiential lessons.

Visit the link below to read it once again:

I received lots of valuable comments through various medium of communication (email, comments, whatsup, and personal call.)

Based on the comments I also felt that my thoughts were considered by some as an expression of my irritability and was also accused of being grumpy.

I searched for empirical articles to substantiate my points. Hence I researched a bit to gather some rational knowledge on this idea. I stumbled on this article published on the 27th October, 2014 in HBR which also echoes my thoughts based on intensive research. 

I am quoting the salient points from that article below: 

The author Gabriele Oettingen researched for two decades with her colleagues and her findings narrated in her article titled, “Stop being so positive.” (2014) are as follows:

Positive thinking does not actually help us as much as we suppose. 
People who positively fantasize make either the same or less progress in achieving attainable wishes than those who don’t. 
Dreaming about a successful outcome in the future is pleasurable, leaving you with a nice warm feeling of satisfaction. 
Positive thinking produced lower systolic blood pressure --- a key measure of how energized someone is. 
What helps is mental contrasting, an exercise that brings together our positive fantasy about the future with the visualization of the obstacle standing in the way. More beneficial is If-then planning. 
The mental contrasting tool suggested in this article is WOOP--- wish, outcome, obstacle, and plan. Imaging that your wish will happen; later change your thoughts to understand how you will overcome if faced with X obstacle, then you will take Y action response.
Gabriele Oettingen concludes the article by questioning “Why WOOP works?” She offers an answer substantiated by her research findings as follows:

“Because the process either helps people understand their wishes are attainable, giving them energy and direction, heightening their engagement and prompting them to act; or it helps them realize their wishes are unrealistic, leading them to disengage  and freeing them up to pursue other, more promising endeavors.
Although positive thinking feels good in the moment, it often bears a false promise. Only when it’s paired with a clear view of potential obstacles will it consistently produce desirable results.”

I wish to conclude with these words:
 "The basis of optimism is sheer fear" (Oscar Wilde)…..so “replace fear of the unknown with curiosity.” 

Success depends on your conviction. If you are confident, just move on. Action is only our choice not the results. 

Reference: http://blogs.hbr.org/2014/10/stop-being-so-positive/#disqus_thread


  1. "Success depends on your conviction. If you are confident, just move on. Action is only our choice not the results" love this mam....
