Monday, January 6, 2014

Tulasidas and NASA what a connection

The Sun is the biggest star in the solar system. 
The distance between the earth and sun is 1 AU -- Astronomical Unit = 149,598,262.
The Sun God is a very significant Navagraha God in the Hindu Mythology. 
Hindus worship the Sun God as Surya at dawn. 
The Konark Sun temple is very famous Sun temple in India.
On Makara Sankranthi day Sweet dishes are offered to the Sun God.
Surya Namaskaram is an important yogic action.

Shri Hanuman is also an important deity of strength and valor in the Hindu mythology.
The famous Hanuman Chalisa composed by Tulsidas is sung at many Hindu homes to invoke his blessings.

Tulsidas is attributed with the power of working miracles.In one such miracle, he is believed to have brought back a dead Brahmin to life. While the Brahmin was being taken for cremation, his widow bowed down to Tulsidas on the way who addressed her as Saubhagyavati (a woman whose husband is alive).The widow told Tulsidas her husband had just died, so his words could not be true.  Tulsidas said that the word has passed his lips and so he would restore the dead man to life. He asked everybody present to close their eyes and utter the name of Rama, on doing which the dead Brahmin was raised back to life.
In another miracle described by Priyadas, the emperor of Delhi, Akbar summoned Tulsidas on hearing of his bringing back a dead man to life. Tulsidas declined to go as he was too engrossed in creating his verses but he was later forcibly brought before the Akbar and was asked to perform a miracle, which Tulsidas declined by saying "It's a lie, all I know is Rama." The emperor imprisoned Tulsidas at Fatehpur Sikri, "We will see this Rama." Tulsidas refused to bow to Akbar and created a verse in praise of Hanuman and chanted it ( Hanuman Chalisa ) for forty days and suddenly an army of monkeys descended upon the town and wreaked havoc in all corners of Fatehpur Sikri, entering each home and the emperor's harem, scratching people and throwing bricks from ramparts. An old Hafiz told the emperor that this was the miracle of the imprisoned Fakir.[61] The emperor fell at Tulsidas' feet, released him and apologized. Tulsidas stopped the menace of monkeys and asked the emperor to abandon the place. The emperor agreed and moved back to Delhi. Ever since Akbar became a close friend of Tulsidas and he also ordered a firman that followers of Rama, Hanuman & other Hindus, should not be harassed in his kingdom.

You may listen to this sloka in the following link sung by MS Subalakashmi:

These are known facts but why am I writing this now.
I received an email forward from a friend.
I am sure some of you would have also received it.
On curiosity I wanted to verify the truth on this email and I was amazed and astonished.

Sharing the email below:

                            In Hanuman Chalisa, it is said :
                             "Yug sahastra yojan psr Bhanu! Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu!!

                                                        1 Yug = 12000 years
                                                        1 Sahastra = 1000
                                                         1 Yojan = 8 Miles
                                                        Yug x Sahastra x Yojan = par Bhanu
                                                        12000 x 1000 x 8 miles = 96,000,000 miles
                                                        1 mile = 1.6 kms
                                                        96,000,000 miles=96000000 x 1.6kms=153,600,000 kms to Sun
                                           NASA has said that, it is the exact distance between Earth and Sun (Bhanu).
                            Which proves Hanuman ji did jump to Planet Sun, thinking it as a sweet fruit (Madhu phal).."

The verse in the email is the 18th Doha in the Hanuman Chalisa.

 à¤¯ुग सहस्र योजन पर भानू ।
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू ॥
Yuga Sahasra Yojana Para Bhaanuu |
Liilyo Taahi Madhura Phala Jaanuu ||

The Sun which was at a distance of Sixteen Thousand Miles,
You Swallowed It (the Sun) thinking it to be a Sweet Fruit.

Tulasidas had given an almost accurate distance  between the Sun and the Earth in the 16th Century.

I tend to ask myself whether the researchers concluded reading this Sloka....oh.....
whatever happened the truth remains that our scriptures are such a rich source of information.  

I enjoyed searching and understanding this ......I am sure you will also..

Jai Hanuman ji!


  1. 1) The number being arrived at in the calculation is 1,536,000,000 kms. The actual distance between the Sun and earth is 149,600,000 kms. The above number is over ten times greater. Probably, Hanuman did this journey from Saturn and not earth. Secondly, there is a typo in the number. 12000 x 1000 x 8 x 1.6 is 153,600,000 (The above figure has an extra 0). But no one seems to care about the typo because they don’t care to know the facts. If someone says, our mythology got it right, we just want to believe it or force people to believe it without basic questioning.
    2) Yug they say is 12000 years and Yojan is 8 miles. So, Yug is a metric of time and Yojan is a metric of distance. So according to this calculation, Distance x Time = Distance. It’s as though time is immaterial. This makes sense, as time truly is immaterial to the people who are propagating this. They are still stuck in the stone age and want to believe in stories which were written thousands of years ago.
    3) The poem says “Yuga Sahasra Yojana para Bhanu”. This doesn’t say we are supposed to multiply them, does it? Why aren’t we adding the numbers? Tulasidas doesn’t specifically say anywhere that these should be multiplied.
    4) Yuga, Sahasra and yojana are metrics used by mythology and meter, kilometers and years are metrics defined by Science. The scientific metrics are not some random assumptions. A meter is the distance traveled by light in 1/299,792,458 of a second. So, they are using well defined scientific metrics to prove that mythology got the distance right before science did. The assumption here is Yuga means 12000 years and Yojana means 8 miles. These are just assumptions to try and correlate them to the modern metrics. If we assume Yuga to be 37.5 years, then Yuga x sahasra x yojana is 300,000. This is the speed of light in miles/sec. Wow! Our mythology knew the speed of light.
    The metrics, meter and year were unknown to our mythology. Their concept of time was completely different too. They used the lunar calendar instead of the solar one which was introduced to India by the British. How can Tulasidas mean years and miles when he didn’t measure time and distance with those metrics?
    5) The distance between the Sun and earth is derived from very complex trigonometry and geometry. To say our mythology got it right in a poem is taking away the credit from the deserving scientists. This is my biggest problem with this post. We are trying to take credit for something based on falsehood and deceit. This is plagiarism of the highest order.

    If we say everything our mythology says is scientific and should be believed, then it’s fair to believe that a solar eclipse happens when Raahu swallows the Sun.
    Mythology is based on faith, but science is based on proven facts. If they say the distance between the Sun and earth is “Yuga Sahasra Yojana” that’s a belief which can be accepted. But equating these to well defined scientific metrics and then multiplying these incoherent metrics to arrive at some random number is just rubbish.

    1. Mr KS

      The number being arrived at in the calculation is 1,536,000,000 kms. The actual distance between the Sun and earth is 149,600,000 kms."

      I could not comprehend this.. can you specify how you reached on this figure? as 12000 * 1000 *8 = 153,600,000

      probably you are not aware of it..

      kaliyug = 432000
      dwapar = 432000*2
      treta = 432000*3
      satyug = 432000*4

      so in all yug does not denot 1 yug but sum of all the 4 yug

      so satyug + treta + dwapar + kaliyug =
      432000(1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 4320000


      as par scriptures 1 divya day = 360 human days(generic days in a year as per indian calendar)

      so 1 diya year = 360 human year

      (there is no rocket science in it you can google it. its not just RANDOM number)

      so now
      if you divide 4320000 by 360 you get Divya years

      4320000 / 360 = 12000

      as said its not RANDOM number

      sahastra mean 1000

      and yojan = 8 miles = 12.8 kms

      so 12000 * 1000 * 12.8 = 153600000

      keeping it aside its clear he is telling about earth to sun distance its clear that he is talking about distance. so if by adding or by multiplying ? is not really important.. more over its poem to praise Mahaveer so that leverage is fine...

      Goswamiji Tulsidasji no were mentioned to multiply but he did not mention to add as well.. How ever this may not be a great achievement for the Indian mathematicians to mention it elaboraately so its mentioned quite casually and no "clue" to multiple "as well as add".

      as specified in 1 these figures are not just atrandom assumptions but mentioned in scriptures.

      "metric , meter and year were unknown to them..." really?

      when there is panchang and they can calculate the occurance of next solar or lunar eclipse so are they just correlatting or manupaliting or guessing successfully?

      metric or meter is wester way of denoting distance its a name given to measuring unit these are not inventions..

      scriptures have very vast description of time and the life of universe ...YES I agreeboth wester and Indian concept dont match.. for us time is a circular concept and for westerns its linear ... who is correct? only time will tell.

    2. Multiplication is implicit here as when we say thousand million it doesnt mean one thousand plus one million it is one thousand multiplied by one million. Similarly when we say 10 miles it is a unit of distance similarly yojana is a unit of measurement of distance. So units are also implicit here.


      Please spend sometime and try to look at the view why speed of light can be constant today 10:20 onwards would be good. :)
      No more comments.

  2. Dear KS,
    At the outset I thank you for taking time to read this page in my blog. I need to confess that I am not an astronomer nor do I have Vedic knowledge to analyze this. When I received this information in my inbox I researched a little to understand the connection.....I agree that faith and rationality are two diverse thoughts. When I posted this I learn't a bit .....Now I got more clarity by your rational argument.....Thank you for sharing your knowledge....and taking time to comment on this.....Regards....

  3. Superb info. thank you Admin. Jai Hanuman.The best time to recite hanuman chalisa in the morning and at night. Those under the evil influences of the Saturn should chant the Hanuman Chalisa at night 8 times on Saturdays for better results.
