Monday, December 28, 2020

About wealth

Acquiring wealth for the future generations deprives them of the need and fulfilment. It also makes them lazy. Birds and animals do not do this..@ps

About Humankind

 Human beings must always have an attitude of gratitude. When Lord Krishna hand started bleeding Draupati immediately tore a piece of cloth from her pallu and tied it around for Him. As a mark of gratitude Lord Krishna saved her when she was disrobed. Karna knew that he was favouring the wrong side but as a mark of gratitude he stuck to Duryothana. Even  street dogs show gratitude to the people who feed them, they do not allow trespassers into the street. 

Nobody achieves success alone there are many people who would have motivated you, guided you, even challenged you. They include your parents, grandparents, siblings, extended family members, teachers, friends, neighbours, even acquaintances. If you do not have  gratitude you do not belong even to an animal kingdom. 

Always have an Attitude of Gratitude....

You will receive more blessings...@ps

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

. Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella


This is an encouraging, inspiring book, especially for technology persons. This is a memoir outlining the challenges he faces, including personal obstacles.

The third CEO of Microsoft decided to write this book when he started his career is unique. Satya Nadella has a very good understanding of technology and how it can be utilized for human advantage or transformation. He brilliantly outlines the significance of empathy in management style, and leadership capabilities. He is also philosophical and offers inspiration observations. There are lots of leadership lessons to be gained from this book. This is a must-read especially for technology persons because it offers insights, gaps, and opportunities in the tech sector. Rating 3/5.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits by C.K. Prahalad


Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad was a Distinguished Professor of Corporate strategy. Through this book published in 2004, the author introduced fresh ideas to alleviate poverty. The main idea of the book is summarized in this quote: "If we stop thinking of the poor as victims or as a burden and start recognizing them as resilient and creative entrepreneurs and value-conscious consumers, a whole new world of opportunity will open up. Four billion poor can be the engine of the next round of global trade and prosperity. It can be a source of innovation. Serving the BOP consumers will demand innovations in technology, products and services, and business models." He has enumerated twelve principles to improve the status of the poor and market expansion. The narration has been substantiated by convincing case studies, which makes the book even more interesting, Any business and economic person involved in nation-building need to definitely read this book. Rating 4/5

Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your Destiny by Robin S. Sharma


This is a fable but also a self-help book. It is a story of a successful lawyer who gets enlightened in life when he faces some untoward incidents in his life.  The wisdom of Indian philosophy has been simplified which is inspiring and explains life purpose. The clutter and cobweb in the human mind may get cleansed by reading this book. The narration is simple and definitely offers a new perspective to life. This book makes you ponder is the rat race worth it. To be read by professionals in their mid-career. Rating 3/5

Undercover by Danielle Steel


This is my first book by this Author. This is a light read. The description is very elaborate and the plot is fine. Of course you need patience to read this book. It has suspense, murder and is thrilling. In spite of the story having a few twists the ending was not very appreciative. This is wonderful literary work. This is a romantic novel and an engrossing pastime. I shall rate it 3/5